10:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Sunday morning is for the entire family! An exciting worship service and relevant message is offered for the adults and high impact programs are provided for those from birth through Middle School.
- Nursery: Birth thru 24 months
- Preschool A: 2 and 3 years
- Preschool B: 4 years thru K5
- PowerHouse Kids: 1st thru 5th grade
- Middle School: 6th thru 8th grade
- Adults: Contemporary Worship Service
7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
We design our Wednesday night programs for youth and children with the parents in mind. Giving the parents an opportunity to have some free time, the services are designed just for the next generation!
- Sunlight Kids: Birth thru 2 years
- Rainbows: 3 years thru K5
- Holy Hip Hop: Girls 1st thru 5th grade
- Royal Rangers: Boys 1st thru 5th grade
- Epic Youth: 6th thru 12th grade